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Portraits of Dogs and other animals are executed in oil, and can be commissioned directly from the Artist,
via the website or through representing galleries.

"The process for commissioning a portrait is simple, the client can supply a selection of good quality photographs,
or high resolution digital images, 300dpi, from which a composition can then be mutually decided.
Once everyone is happy with the portrait composition a 50% deposit would be required to confirm the commission.
An oil painting would take approximate 4 - 6 weeks to complete, depending on existing workload,
I will carry out the commission in my studio, providing regular updates and images of the portraits progress,
on satisfactory completion of the artwork the final payment can then be made and the finished portrait delivered to you.
For an informal, no obligation, chat about the possibility of commissioning a portrait, please contact me directly,
or if you prefer we can correspond by email to discuss your individual requirements."

Commission prices start from £250, a bespoke quality frame can also be provided if required.